Monday, January 21, 2008

I interview a interesthing person his name is Miguel , he works from the Navy

M: What is your profession?

M: Navy Captain

M: Why you choose to be that?

M: I chose that because I could help and work for my country

M: How much years do you have working?

M: I had 33 years working

M: With the time was the most thing you like about your job?

M: travel

M: Do you like to travel?

M: Yes

M: From all the contries you have travel and visiting, wich one do you like the most?

M: I like the most Canada

M: What are you doing here in Canada?

M: I work in the Embassy of Mexico

M: Do you like living in this Country?

M: Yes

M: What would you do when you go back to your country?

M: Working to the Navy.

Well this is the interview I hope you liked.

Friday, January 18, 2008

HandoutMona Lisa still smiles
For centuries her smile has fascinated and intrigued. And the real identity of the "Mona Lisa" in Leonardo da Vinci's famous painting has also been a mystery -- as art historians have wondered whether she could even have been the artist's mother, or his lover.
But German academics at the University of Heidelberg say they have cracked the code.
Armin Schlechter, a manuscript expert, discovered some notes scribbled in the margin of this book that once belonged to an acquaintance of da Vinci. These notes were made in an edition of letters by Cicero in October 1503 -- and say the artist was working on three paintings at the time, including a a portrait of Lisa del Giocondo.
"This is the earliest mention of the fact that Leonardo da Vinci painted a picture which portrays a certain woman called Lisa del Giocondo. People have guessed that he was working on this picture in 1503," says Armin Schlechter, manuscript expert.
The suggestion that Lisa Gherardini, the wife of Francesco del Giocondo, a wealthy merchant from Florence, could be the smiling woman is nothing new. The painting -- which hangs in the Louvre in Paris -- is also known as "La Gioconda" which refers to her name but also means happy, or smiling, woman in Italian. Art experts, who have already dated the painting to the start of the sixteenth century, have described the Heidelberg discovery as a breakthrough. Schlechter actually found the notes two years ago and although they were printed in Heidelberg library's public catalogue, they hadn't received much attention until recently.
But while the Mona Lisa's identity may have been solved, the mystery behind that smile is unlikely to be cracked any time soon.
I think that this article is really interesting because the painting of The Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci is really unique and is a mistery, the face and the hands the hole painting is extrodirnary and i think that the people how like to draw like me or likes to buy paintings are realy interesting about this type of articles, they found some thing important about The Mona Lisa, who she realy is, it's not truly sure and true but it's the most close thing they could find I thing.
In my point of view thi article is very important because we all know who and what da Vinci do he no only paint things , he was more than that he was a smart person , he invented many things he was an important person for our society and culture and studying his work is such a good thing to kno more about him.

what to do after high school

What to do after high school?, there are many options of what to do after high school one of them is travel if you want to take a break of school as well you can continue studying and at the same time workor or you can joing a volunteer program, volunteers is a realy good opportunity to improve yourself and help other people, you can help in shelter, if you like to volunteer this program volunteer is great and also you travel to a beautiful country.
Refugio Infantil Santa Monica (R.I.S.E) is a NON-PROFIT shelter for babies and children under the age of 14 who have been turned over to R.I.S.E. by DIF (Desarrollo Integral de la Familia), a Mexican government organization that is the legal representative for minors under the age of 14. DIF’S main objective is to reintegrate these children with their families, but this is not always possible. R.I.S.E. gives these children a safe and loving place to live because they have no other choice in their lives.Some of the children are only here temporarily while their problems are resolve and some times they have to stay in R.I.S.E.
Refugio Infantil Santa Monica there is tio nuns (madres) who take care of the children on a full time basis. Madre Mari the Director and Madre Chuy.
in Refugio Infantil Santa Esperanza you can donated and volunteer, if you want to volunteer or give some donations go to this website
remember that the help from all volunteer is absolutely vital to the daily operation of R.I.S.E. and to the everyday life of the children.

about blogger

I think that blogger is a good way to leat peolpe know you , and you know peolpe , to find people how share the same ideas as you and like the same things, you can find people how speak the same language as you or may be find peolpe how need help and you can help them.
To know more about people and their cultures, may be you can find friends that you never keep the contac with them , people can help you to find things, and is a good way to make new and friends and people know you better.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008


I like to watch movies alot because they make me lauhgt, cry and when a watching a scary movie a jump jajajaja and I scared the person who is be side me jijijijijiiji.
on tuesday a went to watch a movie called P.S. I love you, this movie i liked alot because it was so romantic but at the same time was so funny, it make me cry so much jajajjajaja and i liked because the hole idea and the story was so beautiful and sad but it make you think about what you have and want, and make you think what is important and that you have to live every moment of you life and sometimes you have to stop making planes and act in that moment, that sometimes you lose something in your life that is so important that you stop doing what you like or you stop doing things, but the isn´t enough to stop living your life or doing things you like this movie make me think that sometimes a huhg or saying a love you can change everything.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

bookssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! part 2

secondly, the similarities between the novels is the conflict between family, they both don't live with their mothers, also they both live with their fathers, however, Shane has more problems with his Dad than Alex beacause Shane's Dad is an alcoholic. and is more irresponsable than Alex's Dad. Alex's Dad is a cameranman and has good job where as Shane's Dad is doing odd jobs.
Finally in society they both have problems with it, Alex faces new culture, language, and political unrest,martial law,and he's shot and separate from his Dad.Shane has conflicts with principal, bullies,and has an accident and is separate from his Dad.
In conclusion, the tow novels Cowboys Don't Cry and Forbidden City share some differences and similarities about the struggles of teenagers to face challenges and mature. the novels show who both of the characters are different and live in diffirent situation but at the same time they both have something in commond, they both have some challenges to face in family and society and at the end of the books they both have so many difficult challenges and situation
that make them more mature and help them in their family as well in society.


some of the books i read in the past 6 monts are Cowboys Don't Cry and the Forbidden City both of this novels can be compared easily because they both describe stories of teenagers facing conflict and struggle. The similarities and differences between both books are the shown in the conflicts between the main characters and themself , their families, nature and society.In the novels Cowboys Don't Cry and Forbidden City, the similarities and are within the conflicts of the main characters with themself. In Cowboys Don't Cry the main character is Shane who is a kid with out confidence but he is really intelligent as well is Alex who is the main character of the Forbidden City. Alex at the begining of the novel he said he likes army history, like wars and guns etc.he likes action movies too and Shane he is a teenager who likes more horses and rodeo things,Shane lives in a Country side and Alex lives in Beijing.

Monday, January 14, 2008

How NDHS and Ottawa could help new ESL students

I think that Ottawa helps the immigrants very well but for the new students
like in NDHS and for others schools they should help them a little more. They
all ready help them but they should pay more attention to them and try to
introduce them to some people at the beginning. it is really hard trying to
make friends at the beginning.
but they do a really good job. for example for the ESL program the teacher
should introduce them to some student's, show them the school, may be special
fields trips to show them the country were they are living, read books about different

about me

My name is Maria , I from Mexico, I have 3 sisters, they are older then me.
my sister and I are studying at Notre Dame High school in Ottawa.
i like to eat mexican food of course but i like to eat chinese food too, i like every tipe of music
but i really don't like country music, like to watch movies alot and some of my goals in the future is to finish high school , learn japanese and go visit Japan. I also want to help my country to be a better place, when a graduate from High school I want to become a social worker and hopefully do someting for people.