Monday, January 21, 2008

I interview a interesthing person his name is Miguel , he works from the Navy

M: What is your profession?

M: Navy Captain

M: Why you choose to be that?

M: I chose that because I could help and work for my country

M: How much years do you have working?

M: I had 33 years working

M: With the time was the most thing you like about your job?

M: travel

M: Do you like to travel?

M: Yes

M: From all the contries you have travel and visiting, wich one do you like the most?

M: I like the most Canada

M: What are you doing here in Canada?

M: I work in the Embassy of Mexico

M: Do you like living in this Country?

M: Yes

M: What would you do when you go back to your country?

M: Working to the Navy.

Well this is the interview I hope you liked.

1 comment:

Rosy said...

Hi Maria, Nice blog. I enjoyed the interview with your dad..very interesting. Don't forget to edit your spelling mistakes or ask for help with editing. Next semester we will add pictures!!
Ms. Mahoney de Torres